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May 01, 2024

The AntiWar have absolutely no argument here. Hamas started this. Israel could kill every single living person in Gaza….and I’d find their actions more justifiable than Hamas’s on 10/7. 
Hamas started this. Whatever blowback they suffer is their fault. 
The OK gov is a bit off, but I’d imagine there’s a laundry list of university policies a group would need to follow to keep from getting kicked off campus/suspended/expelled. 
The state of Oklahoma granted The land. AND agrees to help the university enforce regulations in accordance with the policies it’d set. 
Same goes for the private schools. If someone set up a display in your HOA’s park, local law enforcement would help w/ elections. 
No matter how right you think the Tentafada are (h/t The Fifth Column), almost nothing the protestors have done is justified. 
Do i support an end to the fighting. Yep.  Stop fighting.  Everybody.  Does that mean the aggressor gets off without any consequences?
Absolutely not.
I feel exactly the same way about Russia-Ukraine.  Stop fighting, then figure out responsibility and reparations.
In both cases, the aggressors don't want to face any consequences for the catastrophes they initiated.
If you have a problem with the University interacting with the terrible human rights violation that is Israel, that's fine. LEAVE.  Your peaceful exit is the only option you have to effect change.  I know that you've been told that the world will end without your precious contributions.  
Okay.  Let's see what happens.
Nah, that's too tough.  Somebody might disagree, and refuse to deal with you.  Can't have that;  mask up so nobody knows that you're the one justifying Hamas's actions.

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April 04, 2024

The attraction to radical messaging is something that is rampant. See: the Mises Caucus's destruction of the Libertarian Party. We need to be more radical!!1! Nope. So, I leave again, just as I did in 2003.

If you asked me about driving a car full of fireworks from SOTB, I'd tell you that it's probably a good time to not smoke in the car, and that you can get more than 30MPG out of a V-8 Mustang if you keep it under 65 on I-95. (And now, I kinda miss both smoking and driving....)

Passwords? I still think of something pretty rough I read years ago. If you don't trust her with your PIN, don't but _____ in her mouth.

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